
The Traveling Bagpiper

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Reenactor Fest / Military History Fest

This weekend I will be vending my merchandise here! I have history books, vintage and antique items, and I am bringing my porcupine quill jewelry, of course.
Here is a practice set up of my booth with many of the items I am bringing!


So I am thinking that this will be a primo opportunity for photos. People in costume, tanks, a Pawn Star….. Sorry I haven’t posted much since my adventures in the Everglades. It’s been dull ’round here.

This is one of the pairs of earrings I made while house sitting in the Alaskan Interior.
If you already know the story then you can stop reading. I grew up in the Midwest USA. I am used to being at the top of the food chain, more or less. I house sat for friends on a goose banding mission. I took care of their hunting dogs and during the day left the door open so the dogs could go in and out at will. The day I got the quills and sat at the kitchen table pondering them one of the dogs, Ilsa, came charging into the house sniffing like she was after Satan. I spent a few desperate minutes wondering what was in the house with me!?! I was picturing a grizzly sneaking in while I was in the bathroom. Ok, of course not, but when you are alone on top of a ridge in Alaska you can let your mind get away with you. What was Ilsa after? Turns out she HATES porcupines and could smell the quills. Ahahahaha. Ok, it’s funny ……now.
I soak and clean the quills with alcohol so that customers don’t have their dogs kill earrings made with the quills.